Saturday 24 April 2010

Am I Lost?

Do you ever wake up and really think..... what am I doing here? I don't mean, one night stands and inside out pants. What am I actually doing on this planet? What is my reason for existence? Why are we born? Why do we die? Is there a goal we should all be following? Did anyone ever know why we are here? Who was it that forgot to pass on all this information?

I plan to find out all the answers. I love life, I thinks its pretty cool. But the reality of it all is that we are animals, we; eat,sleep,move,communicate, work, reproduce and wank. Isn't there something we should be working towards??? Isn't the world meant to flood in the next 50 years and possibly implode? So whats the point in reproducing? when there will be no habitat?!

Is our existence a test? ....a test of many maybe?.... before we actually start life number two.

I want to know why I am here.... are we here for different aims? Are our illnesses a test of strength? determination? courage?

Is there something waiting to be revealed when we die? Like a film of all the best bits of your life.

So yeah, just have a thing. Then tell me what you think x